
Open Loyola University Libraries

in another browser window to work through this tutorial side by side.

Start Tutorial Here!

Include a one or two sentence description of the tutorial here.

What You Will Learn

  • Include 2-5
  • learning
  • outcomes
  • here

Use the arrows below to navigate through this tutorial.

Use Active Verbs

Headings should be short and descriptive. Use title case capitalization and write with active verbs. For example:

  • Use Truncation is better than Activity II
  • Browse Images is better than Browsing Images in Databases
  • Search JSTOR is better than Searching for Articles in JSTOR

General Guidelines

Use the following general guidelines when creating Guide on the Side tutorials.
  • Always use the exact capitalization and wording of the item you want users to click
  • Identify by name the page with which you want the user to interact
  • When asking the user to find an element, describe the item in a way that would make sense even if you couldn't see the page
    • e.g. Delete the custom date range of 1700-1783 and select the Search button.
  • Make sure to also include relevant wording (like the label on the button) and not just describe the button/link
    • More like: Click the My Account button in the top right corner of the page.
    • Less like: Click the orange button in the top right corner of the page.


Images can be used to help users navigate to a specific area of a webpage or to a button or link.
  • Always include the image description and title when using an image


Bold, Italics & ALL-CAPS

Use bold for:

  • Links and tabs
  • Buttons and icons
  • Drop-drop menu options
  • Article names, book names, search result, etc.
  • Search terms

Use italics for:

  • Database names

Use ALL-CAPS for:

  • Boolean connectors
  • Hints and notes

Definition Box

Learn More About Definition Boxes


You have to highlight the text you want to link first for the link icons to show up. Make sure you specify where you want the link to open when you add a link.

You have three options:

Insert-Edit Link

Wrap Up

Use the following language to wrap up the tutorial.

Congratulations! You’ve completed XXXXX tutorial.

To get additional help from a librarian, please click here or stop by the Information Commons 2nd floor Reference Desk or Lewis Library Reference Desk.

(Feel free to add additional language if you’re using the Certificate feature on the next page or anything else you’d like to add.)




Please enter your name and email address to retrieve a copy of your completed quiz.

You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If you are doing this for a class, you may need to enter your instructor's email address also.


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